Sunday, March 1, 2009

Socratic Seminar Questions

Over the past two weeks, we've taken a different look on sexuality and physical identity. Overall questions have risen including: What exactly is considered normal? Should physical identity play that much of a role in our lives? What about sexuality? All things to consider.

Socratic Seminar Questions:

#1: One of the first things we did was expose ourselves to the Coming Out Series. What do you think about this whole "concept" of coming out of the closest? Should someone's sexuality, especially homosexuality, be out there and known?

#2: Later in the week we watched Six Feet Under. One of the characters had to deal with that very question as he came out to his family. Do you think the way that the TV show portrayed it was very similar to how it occurs in real life? How does Six Feet contrast two gay characters: Keith (The Cop) vs. David (The Gay Mortician) 

#3: How does sexuality play a part in our identity? Does it define one or just play a small role in it? Could one argue that sexuality and identity are separate?

#4: Moving onward, let's take a look at Physical identity. We watched an episode of the Twilight Zone in which all the physically "grotesque" people were considered normal and vice-versa for the good-looking people. Are we grouped by our looks?

#5: How do we judge others? Does the Twilight Zone have a point: We only consider the norm what the majority considers to be 'correct'? What if homosexuality was the majority action? Would we consider heterosexuality to be wrong?

#6: If you had a chance to read the Prom Story, it strikes an interesting chord. With our own Senior Prom coming up, what would you think if someone brought a same-sex partner?

#7: This lesson is the last before our adventures into various culture. Are different views on sexuality a cultural view or more of a moral stance? 

#8: Finally, what are your opinions on the recent passing of Proposition 8 and similar amendments banning Gay Marriage.

Good Job Guys!

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